Smart card logon product suite – powerful cross-platform authentication solutions
Excellent solutions of powerful dual or multiple factor authentication for every company
Since starting up in May 1999, SEFIROT GmbH has specialised in the development of excellent logon products for the Enterprise area. Access protection security during the primary authentication at the computer system is important in this connection.
Consequently it is no surprise that all SEFIROT logon products use smart cards and are based on a public key infrastructure. Smart cards and PKI are the key components of secure access protection.
The diversity of the application scenarios can be seen in the highly differentiated product suite. One single logon product for all applications and for every purse does not exist. Consequently a smart card supported biometric authentication is more expensive to buy than a smart card and PIN. However, it is advantageous in all cases when users are not supposed to memorise a PIN, and see this as a criterion for convenience.
SEFIROT supports almost every scenario – from the simple smart card PKI logon solution with available materials via kiosk solutions for Windows and Citrix Terminal Logon with fast logon and perfect session roaming to cross-platform solutions, like the multi-workstation, multi-account smart card PK I logon solution for the Columbus Project, used in the control centres of the European Space Agency ESA and DLR ([German] National Aeronautics and Space Research Centre).
And something else which is rather special: We support the simple PIN entry at the keyboard, the secure PIN entry at the PIN pad of a card terminal aka Secure PIN Entry, and provide you also with the authentication by biometric recognition, e.g. by smart card and fingerprint.
The security of personal data is very important to us. That’s the reason why we have realised the smart card PKI Bio Logon solutions as match-on-card solutions. This means that your reference fingerprint is not stored in a central database but instead – securely – on your smart card. For the biometric authentication the fingerprint is sent to the smart card and compared there with the reference fingerprint.